英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Barry Patel

  • Barry Patel
    Barry Patel

    2001 - PhD Neuroscience, McGill University

    1993 - BSc Neurobiology, McGill University

    1990 - Diploma of College Studies - Health Sciences, Vanier College

    Dr Patel is a neuroscientist interested in central nervous system degeneration and mental illness. For his doctoral thesis he developed a mouse gene-knockout model for the human neurological disorder aceruloplasminemia. Subsequently, as a research fellow at the Department of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School he studied the molecular signaling cascades involved in nerve cell migration. Dr Patel has recently focused his research on the molecular genetics of psychiatric illness as an associate at the Douglas Mental Health Institute in Montreal. His studies center on microRNA signaling networks involved in major depression and suicide. Dr Patel has published a number of first-author articles in high-impact journals, including The Journal of Biological Chemistry and The Journal of Neuroscience. He began editing for the Edanz Group in 2011.