英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Michael Judge

  • Michael Judge
    Michael Judge

    2016 - Certificate in Adult Education, Red River College

    1990 - MSc Chemistry, University of Waterloo

    1987 - BSc (4 year major) Chemistry, University of Manitoba

    Mr Judge is a rocket scientist and professional chemist with over 20 years’ experience. He has particular expertise in organic, analytical, and polymer chemistry as well as in energetic materials. He currently lectures at Red River College in Manitoba on topics such as organic chemistry, data and instrumental analysis, analytical instrumentation for the pharmaceutical industry, and laboratory safety. Mr Judge was also the senior R&D chemist at Bristol Aerospace Limited for many years, where he led research into the development of new solid rocket propellants and was also in charge of formulating propellants for existing rocket systems, such as the Black Brant. His research has been published in a number of peer-reviewed scientific journals and he has presented at various international conferences. He has also been a freelance science journalist for over 10 years and his work has been published in the UK magazine New Scientist and Canada’s national newspaper, The Globe and Mail. Mr Judge joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2011.