英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Alison Sherwin

  • Alison Sherwin
    Alison Sherwin

    1992 - PhD Biochemistry, University of Kent

    1988 - BSc (Hons) Biochemistry, University of Kent

    Dr Sherwin’s scientific background is in biochemistry with an emphasis on osteoarthritis, tissue engineering and cell culture. Her PhD thesis focused on in vitro investigation of microtubule bundling by bovine brain synapsin I, an important pre-synaptic nerve terminal protein. She has broad experience in both cell and molecular biology techniques and has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and scientific reports as both lead author and supporting author during her post-doctoral work in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. She has excellent writing skills and extensive knowledge of the requirements of journals and current research in many fields. Dr Sherwin joined Edanz Group as a full-time editor in 2002, and has edited over 4,000 manuscripts in the Health and Life Sciences for Japanese and Chinese authors.