英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Janine Miller

  • Janine Miller
    Janine Miller

    1999 - PhD Molecular Biology, University of Tasmania

    1996 - MSc Molecular Microbiology and Systematics, University of Tasmania

    1989 - BSc Genetics, Biochemistry, Palaeontology, Macquarie University

    Dr Miller has a broad research background, including virology, microbiology, molecular systematics and protein evolution. She helped develop several vaccines for equine herpesvirus 1, papillomavirus, and rotavirus at Macquarie University and the CSIRO, Australia. While working for the Department of Agriculture at the University of Tasmania, Dr Miller research focused bacterial pathogens of farmed fish and developing novel rRNA-directed fluorescent probes for bacterial identification. She also has experience in molecular biology, with her PhD research focusing on the evolution of metallothionein proteins. Dr. Miller has a strong interest in education, having taught biology, biochemistry, and microbiology at a number of Australian universities and investigated the efficacy of multimedia pedagogical tools in teaching chemistry to undergraduates. She has long been interested in the effective communication of science and has been editing scientific manuscripts for non-native English researchers since 1999 and full-time since 2003. She joined the Edanz editing team in 2013.