英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Mark Tobin

  • Mark Tobin
    Mark Tobin

    1994 - PhD Hormone Receptor Interaction, University of Salford

    1988 - BSc Genetics and Cell Biology, The University of Manchester

    Academic Background

    Dr Tobin is an experienced biological microscopist by training, having led the development of multi-user scientific facilities at national synchrotron laboratories in the UK and Australia. He has built productive scientific collaborations in his fields of expertise, which include human disease, cell biology, sustainable materials, environmental biology, and advances in microscopic imaging. These have led to a strong research output, with an extensive publication record and high recognition with the international synchrotron science community, as shown through invited conference presentations and review committee participation.

    Publishing History

    Dr Tobin has authored 8 book chapters and more than 140 refereed publications in journals including Nature Communications, Nature, Scientific Reports, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, and The Analyst. He also has a record of invited presentations at international conferences and workshops.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Dr Tobin has regularly reviewed for scientific journals, including Analyst, Applied Spectroscopy, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, and Vibrational Spectroscopy, and has been external thesis examiner for three international PhD candidates. He acted as editor of a conference special issue of Vibrational Spectroscopy journal in 2013. As co-author of many manuscripts from multinational collaborations, he has provided significant input to the language editing of many of his publications. He has also been a member, by invitation, of synchrotron science program review panels at several national facilities (ELETTRA - Italy, NSLS, Brookhaven - USA, and ALS Berkeley - USA). Dr Tobin joined Edanz as an Editor in 2023.

    Writing Experience

    Dr Tobin has coauthored over 140 peer-reviewed publications and 8 book chapters, as a result of strong collaboration with research teams accessing the national facilities at which he has developed microscopy capabilities. In many cases he provided significant input into the editing of manuscripts during all stages of preparation. He has also participated in and led successful research grant applications in the UK and Australia.