英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Nikki March

  • Nikki March
    Nikki March

    2006 - PhD Cancer Biochemistry and Cell Biology, University of Cambridge

    2001 - Bsc (1st Hons) Medical Biology, Brunel University

    Dr March is a cancer biologist with special interests in cell signaling, intestinal oncology and cancer stem cells. Her PhD research at Cambridge University examined the regulation of AP-1 proteins by MAP kinase pathways. Dr March was a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Babraham Institute, UK, where, in collaboration with UCB Pharma, she studied the mode of action of an anti-epilepsy drug. Then, as Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Dr March's work focused on the application of innovative models to identify and characterize novel driver genes in colorectal cancer. She next worked in the biotechnology industry for two years. Dr March is currently a Senior Bioscientist at the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research in Manchester, UK, where she investigates novel oncology drug targets. Dr March has given invited lectures both nationally and internationally, and has published in several international peer-reviewed journals, including a first-author paper in Nature Genetics. Dr March joined the Edanz Group as an editor in early 2011.