英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Richard Robins

  • Richard Robins
    Richard Robins

    2012 - PhD Physiology, McGill University

    2007 - BSc Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University

    Academic Background

    Dr Robins recently completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Nephrology at the McGill University Health Centre, where his research was centered on the molecular mechanism of nephrotic syndrome, including understanding the role of the Rho GTPase, Rac1, in regulating the actin cytoskeleton of glomerular podocytes. He obtained his PhD in the Department of Physiology at McGill University and the Division of Hematology at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal. His doctoral research focused on the role of the growth factor Gas6 in the pathophysiology of venous thrombosis using mouse models and cultured vascular endothelial cells. Dr Robins has received awards from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Canadian Association of Pediatric Nephrologists.

    Publishing History

    Dr Robins has presented his research at conferences held by the American Society of Hematology and the American Society of Nephrology, and his work has been published in journals such as Blood and the American Journal of Physiology.

    Editing Experience

    Dr Robins has been a freelance medical editor since 2015 and joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2016.