英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Robert Blakytny

  • Robert Blakytny
    Robert Blakytny

    1993 - DPhil Medical Research, University of Oxford

    1988 - BA (Hons) Biochemistry, University of Oxford

    Dr Blakytny’s PhD involved the development of a model system to test potential anti-cataract drugs. He then investigated the protein biochemistry of the lens. During this time, he was also a reviewer for Experimental Eye Research. In 1996, Dr Blakytny joined Prof Mark Ferguson at the School of Biological Sciences in Manchester, UK, to work on wound healing in diabetes. Further positions included research on chaperone protein biochemistry in Sweden, and on wound healing and fracture healing in Germany. In over 20 years of research, Dr Blakytny has presented at 18 major meetings and has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles. Since 2009, Dr Blakytny has worked as a freelance editor and medical writer for both academia and the pharmaceutical industry. Dr Blakytny joined Edanz Group as an editor in early 2012.