英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Tom Buckle

  • Tom Buckle
    Tom Buckle

    2005 - MSc Global Ethics, University of Birmingham

    2003 - MSc Quantitative Genetics & Genomic Analysis, University of Edinburgh

    2002 - BSc Biochemistry, University of Stirling

    Mr Buckle has over 6 years’ experience in academic publishing in both Japan and the UK. In Japan, he worked for a range of proofreading companies specializing in biological science and medicine, gaining experience editing texts by non-native English speaking authors. His employment in the UK has also involved editing scientific texts written by non-native speakers, particularly those from Scandinavia. Mr Buckle’s academic background covered biochemistry, molecular cell biology, organic and inorganic chemistry, environmental science, physics, bioinformatics, protein design, evolutionary genetics and immunology. His dissertations focused on the correlation between genotypes and phenotypes for hair color, skin type, and skin cancer, and on analyzing the integrity of ancient parchment scrolls made of animal skin. He has experience in phenotype analysis, genetic testing and in using statistics/computing to decipher genetic codes for use in research into human disease, agricultural genetics and evolutionary genetics. Mr Buckle has also worked within the biotech sector in Sweden, testing batch-produced pharmaceuticals and constructing tools to detect partial obstructions to blood vessels around the heart, and the field of patent law in Japan. He joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2015 and has edited over 2000 manuscripts since then.