英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Ayhan Atmanli

  • Ayhan Atmanli
    Ayhan Atmanli

    2020 - MD Medicine, Heidelberg University

    2018 - PhD Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University

    Academic Background

    Dr Atmanli is a biomedical engineer, obtaining his PhD from Tufts University. As a budding physician-scientist, Dr Atmanli’s expertise focuses on developmental biology, tissue engineering, and modeling of human biology and disease using human pluripotent stem cell-derived cells. In his doctoral studies at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, his research interests focused on what cues control stem cell biology and organ formation and how one can harness this knowledge to regenerate and repair the injured heart. To this end, he developed novel engineering technologies to study cardiac developmental biology in vitro. Dr Atmanli has received multiple awards for his work, including a competitive pre-doctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association and two Jump Start awards from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

    Publishing History

    Dr Atmanli has more than a dozen publications and presentations to his credit. His work has been published in journals including Cell Reports, Development, and Advanced Healthcare Materials.

    Reviewing Experience

    Dr Atmanli has reviewed numerous manuscripts since beginning his doctoral studies, for journals including Cell Stem Cell, Cell Reports, and Advances Biosystems. Dr Atmanli joined Edanz Group as a research consultant in 2018.