英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Wendy Brooks

  • Wendy Brooks
    Wendy Brooks

    2004 - PhD Molecular Neuroscience, University of Cambridge

    2000 - MSc Psychology, University of Otago

    1998 - BSc (hons) Psychology, Massey University

    Dr Brooks’ PhD in molecular neuroscience was focused on gene expression in Alzheimer’s disease, and compared mRNA levels in human brain tissue samples affected by Alzheimer’s disease and samples in unaffected controls. Her academic research background in both neuroscience and psychology enabled her to build a broad base of expertise across the biological sciences field, and especially in molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, electrophysiology and genetics. Following her graduation, she worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Christchurch School of Medicine, New Zealand, focused on community-based studies of respiratory disorders, including clinical studies assessing exhaled breath condensate biological markers in Asthmatics, and the investigation of the functioning of enzymes such as myeloperoxidase. Dr Brooks also has extensive laboratory experience in molecular biological techniques, such as mRNA and protein extraction, real time PCR, microarray analysis and biochemical assays, and sound knowledge of bioinformatics resources such as LocusLink, GeneCards, OMIM, Ensembl, SRS and Genbank. Passionate about scientific communication, Dr Brooks joined the Edanz Group as an editor in 2014.