英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Louis Nemzer

  • Louis Nemzer
    Louis Nemzer

    2010 - PhD Physics, Ohio State University

    2007 - MS Physics, Ohio State University

    Dr Nemzer is an Assistant Professor of Physics at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. As an active researcher in the field of theoretical and experimental biophysics, he has published work on topics at the intersection of physics, biology, chemistry and medicine. These topics include: cooperative antibiotic resistance in bacteria, protein folding and aggregation, and the development of novel biosensors for monitoring blood-sugar levels in patients with diabetes. He has eight sole- or first-author publications in peer-reviewed journals, and over 10 years of experience editing scientific manuscripts by non-native English speakers. Dr Nemzer joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2016.