英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Benjamin Knight

  • Benjamin Knight
    Benjamin Knight

    2007 - MSc (Hons) Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Auckland

    2005 - BA (combined Hons) Psychology & Anthropology, University of Otago

    Mr Knight is a research writer and editor with 9 years of academic and professional experience. His postgraduate research focused on neuronal adaptation in the human visual cortex. He has extensive experience with cognitive neuroscience research paradigms, brain-imaging techniques (including EEG and fMRI), data analysis, and experimental design in neuroscience, cognitive, perceptual and behavioural science. At the University of Auckland, he tutored undergraduate general psychology, neuroanatomy, cognitive and perceptual psychology, and biopsychology courses. Mr Knight studied as a Commonwealth Scholar at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, where he undertook research in evolutionary and comparative psychology, zoology, anthropology, developmental psychology, animal behaviour and human ecology. In 2008, Mr Knight worked at the University of Otago as a professional editor and writer of research papers from 11 years of collected data in biology, zoology, climatology, marine systems and ecology. He has published peer-reviewed papers in psychology, zoology and ecology. Mr Knight joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2009.