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Natalie Kim

  • Natalie Kim
    Natalie Kim

    2012 - PhD Biology, York University

    2004 - BScH Biology, Queen's University

    Academic Background

    Dr Kim has a PhD in biology with a focus on aquatic ecology. Her doctoral research examined how water temperature, pH, calcium concentration, prey quantity, and availability of the omega-3 fatty acid EPA may influence the population dynamics and invasion success of the Eurasian spiny water flea in Canadian Shield lakes. Prior to that, she worked on a range of ecology and conservation projects at the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Project Seahorse at the UBC Fisheries Centre, and Trent University.

    Publishing History

    Dr Kim’s research has been published in journals such as Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Hydrobiologia, and Journal of Plankton Research. She has also presented her work in poster and oral formats at various conferences across Canada as well as at an international meeting in Italy.

    Editing/Reviewing Experience

    Dr Kim has reviewed papers for the journals Biological Invasions, Hydrobiologia, and Environmental Reviews. She has been an editor at a publishing company in Seoul, South Korea since 2013, and she joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2018.