英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Ann Mason

  • Ann Mason
    Ann Mason

    1998 - PhD Political Science, Yale University

    1990 - BS International Relations, Yale University

    1980 - BS Business Administration, Georgetown University

    Academic Background

    Dr Mason's academic background is in international relations, IR theory, international security, state building, and Andean Region politics. Following a career in research, teaching, and university administration, she pivoted to the field of international education where she has worked and published as a practitioner.

    Publishing History

    Dr Mason has authored more than 25 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters as well as general interest pieces in English and Spanish in journals including the International Political Science Review, Security Dialogue, and Revista: the Harvard Review of Latin America. She has presented research papers in political science and international relations at numerous international conferences and regularly speaks at conferences in the field of international education.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Dr Mason is an experienced academic editor in a variety of fields, including the social sciences and humanities, economics, business and finance, public administration, environmental studies, and education. She has edited over 1,100 manuscripts for doctoral students, researchers, and faculty in over 20 countries. She currently works with academic editing firms in the U.S., Israel, and India, as well as for journals published by the American Society of Clinical Investigation. Dr Mason joined Edanz as an editor in 2021.

    Writing Experience

    In addition to her academic publications, Dr Mason has over 10 years of practitioner writing experience in the form of grant and consulting proposals and final reports, government briefs, and white papers.