英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Leonie Seabrook

  • Leonie Seabrook
    Leonie Seabrook

    2007 - PhD Geography, The University of Queensland

    2003 - BA (Hons) Geography, The University of Queensland

    Dr Seabrook’s PhD thesis combined landscape and spatial ecology with social science to investigate changes in vegetation cover over the past 200 years in Australia. She has extensive research experience in the fields of ecology, land use/land cover change modeling, climate change, spatial analysis, and species distribution modeling. Her undergraduate degree was a double major in physical geography, encompassing topics such as earth science, geomorphology, geographical processes, climatology, remote sensing and GIS. Since 2006, she has published 55 journal articles, book chapters and conference presentations, and she has been on the editorial board of Landscape and Urban Planning since 2009. Dr Seabrook has been involved with professional editing of journal articles and PhD theses since 2007, and joined Edanz Group as an editor in April 2015.