英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Bonnie Gardner

  • Bonnie Gardner
    Bonnie Gardner

    2016 - PhD in Biomedical Science, University of Auckland

    2011 - BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science, University of Auckland

    Academic Background

    Dr Gardner completed her PhD in the Centre for Brain Research at the University of Auckland. Her thesis was recognized as one of the top theses of the year, earning her a place on the Dean’s List. Dr Gardner’s research is focused on changes that occur in the human brain in Parkinson’s disease, and she is particularly interested in how and where Parkinson’s disease pathology might begin in the brain. She is one of the first researchers to develop the use of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to visualize the distribution of biometals in the subventricular zone and olfactory bulb, and investigate its changes in Parkinson’s disease. Dr Gardner has presented her research at local and international conferences and has been the recipient of a number of research scholarships.

    Editing Experience

    In addition to writing for publication and presentation, Dr Gardner has copy edited study materials and online content for clarity of language and grammar. She joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2016.