英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Margaret Biswas

  • Margaret Biswas
    Margaret Biswas

    1982 - PhD Molecular Biophysics, Indian Institute of Science

    1975 - BSc Biochemistry, University of Birmingham

    Dr Biswas is a bioinformatics scientist with experience in DNA/protein database annotation, sequence analysis, and molecular modeling. For seven years she was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate using molecular modeling techniques to study protein-ligand binding. She then joined the newly formed Bioinformatics Centre at the Indian Institute of Science as a Senior Scientific Officer responsible for the development of training courses and research projects. Dr Biswas returned to the UK in 1998 as a Database Curator at the European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, where she was involved in database production, annotation, and research. From 2002 to 2009, she worked as a Bioinformatics Scientist for a private company in New Zealand. She worked on a range of projects aimed at understanding how genes and other factors interact to influence complex biological traits in animals and plants. She has published 26 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and has co-authored numerous scientific book chapters. An experienced proofreader with extensive knowledge of the writing and publication process, Dr Biswas joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2010.