英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Ludovic Croxford

  • Ludovic Croxford
    Ludovic Croxford

    2000 - PhD Medical Immunology, University College London

    1994 - BSc Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Surrey

    Dr J. Ludovic Croxford is a multi-disciplinary immunologist with research experience in a wide range of fields, especially neuroimmunology, autoimmunity and oncology. His PhD research demonstrated the potential use of cytokine gene therapy for the treatment of animal models of autoimmune disease, and his post-doctoral research focused on the mechanisms of viral molecular mimicry to induce autoimmunity. Dr Croxford next studied the role of a novel NKT cell in a multiple sclerosis model at the National Institute of Neurology, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan. Following this he studied the mechanisms of immune-mediated tumor suppression for leukemia. Dr Croxford has published over 40 peer-reviewed papers, reviews and book chapters in journals including Nature, Nature Immunology and Nature Medicine. Dr Croxford joined the Edanz Group as an editor in December 2011.