英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Laura Kitchen

  • Laura Kitchen
    Laura Kitchen

    Academic Background

    Ms Kitchen has experience in many subject areas, with a Master’s degree in chemistry, and academic and industrial research experience in biochemistry, chemistry, and food science. Her particular areas of interest are fat-replacement, biopolymers, and functional materials. Laura’s research focused on discovering interacting proteins and genes to understand the proteins’ functions.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Ms Kitchen has been a professional freelance editor since 2016. Her editing experience includes biochemical sciences, chemical and materials sciences, and pharmaceutical sciences. She also has extensive experience as a quality control reviewer for clinical documents in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Writing Experience

    Ms Kitchen has extensive experience as a clinical medical writer in the pharmaceutical industry. She has been involved with all stages of the clinical trial process, including drafting clinical trial protocols, data analysis, and report preparation in line with international standards and good clinical practice guidelines.