英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Adam Phillips

  • Adam Phillips
    Adam Phillips

    2008 - PhD Neuroscience, Northwestern University

    1997 - BS (Hon) Biopsychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Michigan

    Academic Background

    Dr. Phillips’s research background is in behavioral neuroscience with emphasis on extracellular neural recordings from awake, behaving animals (macaques and finches). He is well versed in many related subfields such as neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior, psychobiology/biopsychology, and cognitive psychology. Dr. Phillips is currently a post-doctoral researcher in Japan.

    Publishing Experience

    Dr. Phillips has published his research in the peer-reviewed journals Science, the Journal of Neurophysiology, and Cerebral Cortex.

    Editing Experience

    Dr. Phillips is an experienced medical manuscript editor. He joined the Edanz Group as an editor in 2012.