英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Cathel Kerr

  • Cathel Kerr
    Cathel Kerr

    1990 - DipLib, Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology

    1984 - PhD Virology, University of Aberdeen

    1980 - BSc (Hons) Microbiology, University of Glasgow

    Dr Kerr originally studied microbiology at Glasgow University and went on to complete a PhD on herpes viruses at Aberdeen University. He then specialized in electron microscopy and continued for a few years in post-doctoral research on ultrasound treatment of cancer. This was followed by a diploma in information studies, and he has worked in medical and drug information since 1991. Dr Kerr has worked previously as an indexer for EMBase and other pharmaceutical databases, a news writer for several journals including Lancet Infections Diseases and Lancet Oncology, and as a copyeditor for Springer and the Society for General Microbiology. In addition to editing, he works on product literature databases for a number of leading pharmaceutical companies. Dr Kerr joined the Edanz Group in 2005 and edits in the medical and life sciences, with a particular interest in microbiology and infectious diseases. He is a member of the Society for General Microbiology.