英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Steven Thompson

  • Steven Thompson
    Steven Thompson

    1988 - MAT Biology, Northern Arizona University

    1978 - BS Biology and Chemistry, Northern Arizona University

    Academic Background

    Publishing History

    Mr Thompson has coauthored a dozen peer-reviewed research articles, in journals including the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry, the Journal of Molecular Evolution, and Current Trends in Ecology. He has published seven single-author book chapters, including within Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, and has presented and/or co-chaired sections at three international conferences.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Mr Thompson has participated in USDA NRICGP peer review grant proposals, Washington State and Florida State University biocomputing grant submissions, and countless research article editorial collaborations. Mr Thompson is now semi-retired and has edited for Edanz Group since 2013.

    Writing Experience

    As described above, Mr Thompson has written several biocomputing book chapters, predominantly teaching and describing the techniques of multiple DNA and protein sequence alignment and analysis, in particular as applied to molecular phylogenetics.