英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Kimberly Moravec

  • Kimberly Moravec
    Kimberly Moravec

    2001 - PhD Information Systems , University of East Anglia

    1994 - BSc Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

    Dr Moravec's PhD subject was image processing and computer vision; specifically researching the use of morphological scale space operators for dense stereo. Dr Moravec's post-doctoral interests in IT subjects have ranged over image processing, document image processing, machine learning, content-based media retrieval and nearest-neighbor problems. A published author, Dr Moravec has worked in both academic and industrial research environments, and most recently completed a fellowship at University College London. She also has a thorough knowledge of Latex, IEEE and ACM editing styles. Dr Moravec joined the Edanz Group as an editor in 2012.