英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Peter Neri

  • Peter Neri
    Peter Neri

    2002 - PhD Neuroscience, Oxford University

    1997 - BSc and MSc Neuroscience, Scuola Normale Superiore

    Academic Background

    Dr Neri is an established research scientist with expertise in the fields of human sensory processing and computational neuroscience. He has more than 20 years of experience in recording and modeling signals from neural systems, supervising students at all levels, and publishing work in international, high-impact journals. Dr Neri is currently working on projects spanning a range of topics and systems, from social communication in cuttlefish to visual perception in virtual reality. He is knowledgeable in animal behavior, human psychophysics, neuroimaging, single-unit electrophysiology, clinical studies, applied mathematics, machine learning, circuit modeling, and advanced statistics. He has extensive experience in programming languages and platforms including C, C++, C#, Matlab, Python, LaTeX, Unity3D, and OpenSCAD.

    Publishing History

    Dr Neri has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed papers, 23 as single author and 37 as first author, in journals including Nature, Nature Neuroscience, PNAS, Plos Biology, Journal of Neuroscience, and Neural Networks. He has presented at several international conferences and is the 2012 recipient of the David Marr Medal from the Applied Vision Association.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Dr Neri has edited manuscripts for students and colleagues at various institutions in the US and Europe. He has been a reviewer for multiple journals, including Advances in Cognitive Psychology, BMC Neuroscience, Communications Biology, and Nature. He has been an editor or guest editor for eLife, PLoS Computational Biology, Frontiers in Perception Science, Journal of Vision, and ISRN Biomathematics. He is currently on the editorial board of Scientific Reports. Dr Neri joined Edanz as an editor in 2022.

    Writing Experience

    In addition to high-impact scientific publications for established journals, Dr Neri has written articles directed to the public where cutting-edge findings are presented in a style that emphasizes their general significance and appeal to a lay audience. He has written lecture and teaching materials directed to students, in which technical concepts are presented and explained in clear and accessible language. He has also written 20+ grant applications, both as sole applicant and in collaboration with other scientists, the large majority of which (>80%) have been successfully funded.