英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Lisa Meltzer

  • Lisa Meltzer
    Lisa Meltzer

    2002 - PhD Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida

    1999 - MSc Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida

    1995 - BA Psychology, Pomona College

    Academic Background

    Dr Meltzer has more than 20 years of research experience in the fields of sleep medicine, clinical and health psychology, and pediatrics. Her research has focused on the impact of pediatric chronic illness on child and parent sleep, development and validation of objective and subjective measures of sleep and health-related quality of life, and the impact of public policy on health outcomes.

    Publishing History

    Dr Meltzer has authored more than 90 peer-reviewed papers, with over 60 as first or senior author. Her work has been published in international journals from multiple disciplines, including Sleep, Pediatrics, JAMA Pediatrics, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, and Health Psychology.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Dr Meltzer has edited manuscripts and grants for students and colleagues around the world. She has been an Associate Editor for Behavioral Sleep Medicine, and on the editorial board of Health Psychology, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Sleep Health, and Behavioral Sleep Medicine. Dr Meltzer joined Edanz as an editor in 2022.

    Writing Experience

    In addition to peer-reviewed papers, Dr Meltzer is the co-author of a book on pediatric sleep for clinicians, and she has written over 30 chapters for medical journals and textbooks.