英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Iain Mackie

  • Iain Mackie
    Iain Mackie

    2004 - PhD Chemistry, University of Edinburgh

    2000 - BSc (Hons) Chemistry, University of Edinburgh

    Dr. Mackie’s PhD was in Structural Chemistry. By utilizing a combination of X-ray crystallography, gas-phase electron diffraction and ab initio modeling he was able to characterize and understand unusual molecular structures. After a postdoctoral post in the US, he joined the National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada, in 2006. His specialty lies in applying ab initio models and density-functional theory to organic, inorganic and physical chemistry problems. His projects presently range from nanotechnology for spacecraft, catalyst development, environmental chemistry, molecular electronics, and chemical warfare agents. Dr. Mackie has authored numerous journal reports as well as grant proposals, patents and technical reports. He joined the Edanz Group as an editor in 2011.