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Robbie Lewis

  • Robbie Lewis
    Robbie Lewis

    2001 - MSc Plant Biology, Massey University

    1998 - BSc Genetics and Physiological & Molecular Plant Biology, Massey University

    Academic Background

    Mr Lewis completed an MSc at Massey University, working in what is now the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution. His thesis investigated phylogenetics in the NZ tree ferns, using molecular techniques such as AFLP, PCR, and DNA sequencing. His postgraduate studies included molecular evolution, bioinformatics, plant systematics, and plant biotechnology.

    Professional Experience

    Since graduating, Mr Lewis has also earned a Certificate in Film & Television Studies, leading to his working as a wiki writer for a film website. He has also worked in the New Zealand film industry.

    Editing Experience

    Mr Lewis joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2012.