英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Cami Moss

  • Cami Moss
    Cami Moss

    2014 - MSc Nutrition for Global Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

    2007 - MSSc Development and International Relations, Aalborg University

    Academic Background

    Cami Moss is a public health nutrition and epidemiology specialist with 12 years of academic research and international organization experience, including writing and co-development of scientific publications. She has designed and conducted studies, evaluated public health program impacts, and contributed to global research programs on nutrition and sustainable food systems. Ms Moss is experienced in public health, planetary health, nutrition, and epidemiological methods, including survey design and statistical analysis.

    Publishing History

    Ms Moss has authored several peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Nature Food, Maternal & Child Nutrition, and Public Health Nutrition.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Ms Moss has supervised graduate student dissertations and co-developed papers with colleagues from international research units. She has supported colleagues and students to produce publication-ready manuscripts and to respond to reviewer comments. She has also served as a reviewer for public health and nutrition journals. Ms Moss joined Edanz as an Editor in 2023.

    Writing Experience

    Ms Moss has authored scientific manuscripts and commentaries, such as a piece published in the British Medical Journal opinion column.