英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

John Green

  • John Green
    John Green

    1995 - MA Cultural Studies, University of Salford

    1983 - BA Philosophy, University of London

    Mr John Green was the Senior Editor of Readers' Guide Abstracts for 17 years. There, he supervised a team of more than 20 writers and editors to produce abstracts for college and university databases around the world. His editing expertise covers a diverse range of subjects, including aeronautics, astronomy, literary theory, film, sport, politics, and current affairs. Before that, Mr Green was Associate Editor for Wilson Humanities Abstracts for 2 years, specializing in philosophy, theology, and literature. In addition to his editing work, he manages workshops in the United Kingdom training university staff to write effective documents and reports. He joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2013.