英文校正 英文校閲 研究者向けサービス

Lorraine Law

  • Lorraine Law
    Lorraine Law

    1990 - BSc Hons Cell Biology, Queen Mary University of London

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Ms Law has 30 years’ experience editing and managing scientific publications, having enjoyed successful roles within book publishing, learned societies, and the medical communications industry. Her first role was as a subeditor for Chapman & Hall publishers, where she learned how to edit and publish academic and scientific content from first principles. She later moved into periodicals, working for the Institute of Biomedical Science as an Assistant Editor for its membership magazine, followed by 5 years as Editorial Manager for the British Journal of General Practice. Ms Law has since spent almost 20 years working in medical communications, where her experience has spanned publications project management, line management and mentorship of junior editorial staff, and delivery of high-quality content in most of the major therapy areas of medicine. She has specialized in developing robust and efficient editorial working processes; delivering training on editorial quality, processes, and techniques; and upholding compliance with Good Publications Practice and industry guidelines. A member of the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders, Ms Law joined Edanz as an editor in 2023.