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Peter Fogarty

  • Peter Fogarty
    Peter Fogarty

    2011 - MA English - Creative Writing, University of Auckland

    2000 - MA (1st Hons) English, University of Auckland

    1995 - BA English & Philosophy, University of Canterbury

    After graduating from the University of Canterbury, Mr Fogarty obtained a Diploma of Publishing in 1996 and has since worked extensively as a copywriter and editor. His writing has been published in newspapers, including The Times. Mr Fogarty has also had a series of vignettes published in the social anthropology and cultural studies journal SITES. In 2005 he began working for Dove Medical Press. Mr Fogarty has edited more than 10,000 manuscripts in the biomedical and general sciences for a wide variety of scientific journals, with a focus on education, economics, and tourism. He joined the Edanz Group as an editor in 2013.