
Dr Amin Yousefi-Sahzabi works for Edanz as a scientific publication expert, research consultant, and education team leader. He completed his PhD in geo-environmental sciences at Kyushu University in 2012 with full support from a Japanese Government doctoral scholarship (MEXT). He was a visiting PhD student at the University of Alberta in Canada in 2011. Before joining Edanz, Amin was an assistant professor of environmental studies at Kyushu University. He has published in reputed international journals with high impact factors, such as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, and the Journal of Cleaner Production.
Amin is an editorial board member of the Electronic Green Journal published by the University of California (UCLA).

Mr Luke Kenyon graduated with a BA (Hons) in English and Creative Writing from the University of Bolton in 2002. He moved to Japan in 2004, and spent 9 years teaching a wide range of focused English curricula to non-native speakers, awakening an interest in copy editing and the STM industry. Luke joined Edanz Group in 2013, where he applies his knowledge of the writing process, his love of language, and his attention to detail in his role as Quality Control Manager.
Luke is a Board-certified Editor in the Life Sciences.
Message to authors: It’s a pleasure to be able to read your research and play a part in its dissemination. To improve your writing even further, always try to read as much related literature in your field as you can, and, where possible, try to write in English from the very start.

Mr Scott Wysong earned a BA in Copywriting at the Advertising Arts College, San Diego, USA in 1994. He then moved to Japan and spent 5 years teaching English and a further 8 years as a Japanese-English translator. Scott joined Edanz Group’s in-house Editorial Team in 2008. He is involved in the recruitment and training of freelance experts as well editing and quality control checks. Scott is well versed in the writing and composition of academic manuscripts, and in helping clients make their work ready for publication.
Scott has been a Board-certified Editor in the Life Sciences (ELS) since 2015.
Message to authors: I strongly believed in Edanz’s mission when we were a small company when I joined over a decade ago, and am proud that we continue to set the industry standard for quality today.

前職までのB to B、B to Cの豊富な営業・顧客対応経験を活かし、エダンズではカスタマーサービスの一員としてスムーズで柔軟な対応を心掛ける。
Message to authors: ご依頼からご返却まで安心してご利用いただけるよう、努めております。ご不明な点や不安な点がございましたら、小さなことでもご遠慮なくお問い合せください。

Message to authors: 日々の研究で多忙を極めるお客様の負担を少しでも軽減できるよう、執筆からご投稿までのサポートを行っております。ご不明な点やご質問など、ぜひお気軽にお問い合せ下さい。

大学で国際交流を学び、卒業後は都内で貿易事務に従事した後、カナダへ語学留学。現在はEditorial Teamとコミュニケーションをしっかりとりながら、チームの調和も大切にし、日々のお客様からのご依頼の応対をしています。
Message to authors: お客様をお待たせしないよう、スムーズなコミュニケーションを心掛けております。これまでの社会経験が全て活かせる職場にやりがいを感じて、日々の業務に取り組んでおります。

Message to authors: 前職でのサービス部門での長い経験を活かし、お客様のニーズをできる限り汲み取り、目標ジャーナルへの論文掲載につながるよう全力でサポートして参ります。