Eric Dupuy

  • Eric Dupuy
    Eric Dupuy

    2005 - PhD Atmospheric Physics/Astronomy, University of Bordeaux 1

    2001 - MS Astronomy/Astrophysics, University of Bordeaux 1

    1998 - BS Physics, University of Bordeaux 1

    Academic Background

    Dr Dupuy is an atmospheric physicist with more than 15 years’ experience of both remote sensing and modeling, in relation to the ozone cycle, greenhouse gases, and trace constituents from the troposphere to the lower thermosphere. His work has focused especially on the calibration, validation, and analysis of remote-sensing data from satellite-borne sensors operating at sub-millimeter or infrared wavelengths from low-earth orbit, with different viewing geometries, such as limb or nadir sounding, or solar occultation. He has an extensive record of publishing in high-impact-factor journals (JGR, ACP, AMT) and has collaborated with scientists from the major space agencies (NASA, ESA, JAXA). Dr Dupuy has more recently worked on the analysis of ensemble simulations from three-dimensional climate models, with a focus on the potential impact of an increase of hydrofluorocarbons amounts on the recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer. He is an experienced user of data/image processing software (IDL, Matlab, Python) and scientific programming (Fortran, C).

    Publishing History

    Dr Dupuy has authored about 30 publications, including 3 as first author and 1 currently in preparation (also as first author), in journals such as the Journal of Geophysical Research, and Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. He has presented regularly (1-2 times a year) at international conferences since 2001.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Dr Dupuy has contributed to the conception, writing, and editing of numerous manuscripts at his institution for both students (reports, thesis manuscripts) and colleagues (preparation of publications for peer-reviews, reports, conference abstracts). He has also made important contributions, not only to the contents, but also to the form of manuscripts he co-authored with ESL colleagues. During the course of his research, he has reviewed papers for Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, and Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Dr. Dupuy has editing experience in remote sensing and modelling for atmospheric chemistry, pollution and climate change, and optoelectronic devices. He joined Edanz Group as an editor in 2020.