Leonie Seabrook

  • Leonie Seabrook
    Leonie Seabrook

    2007 - PhD Geography, The University of Queensland

    2003 - BA (Hons) Geography, The University of Queensland

    Academic Background

    Dr Seabrook has extensive research experience in the fields of ecology, land use/land cover change modelling, climate change, spatial analysis, and species distribution modelling and she worked as a research scientist for 15 years in academia and government. Her skills include field work, spatial and statistical analysis, spatial modelling, research design, student supervision, and lecturing. Dr Seabrook’s PhD thesis combined landscape and spatial ecology with social science to investigate changes in vegetation cover, and her undergraduate degree was a double major in physical geography, encompassing topics such as earth science, geomorphology, geographical processes, climatology, remote sensing, and GIS. She currently works as a freelance academic editor.

    Publishing History

    Dr Seabrook has authored over 60 peer-reviewed papers in journals including Science, Frontiers in Ecology, Diversity and Distributions, and Landscape Ecology. She has presented her research at 20 international and Australian conferences. Her Google Scholar profile can be found at https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=R80LxsIAAAAJ&hl=en.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Dr Seabrook has edited hundreds of academic articles professionally and for her peers, as well as over 25 PhD theses for clients around the world. She is a member of the Institute of Professional Editors in Australia. She always aims to improve the manuscript structure, logical flow of arguments, and use of language, and ensure that manuscripts comply with journal guidelines. She can also provide expert feedback on scientific content. She was an editor at the journal Landscape and Urban Planning for 5 years and has been a reviewer for journals such as Landscape Ecology, Journal of Environmental Management, and Diversity and Distributions. Dr Seabrook joined Edanz as an editor in 2015.

    Writing Experience

    Dr Seabrook has written numerous journal articles, articles for the popular press, as well as entries for encyclopedias. She also has qualifications in journalism.