John Kristiansen

  • John Kristiansen
    John Kristiansen

    2011 - PG Dip Primary Health Care (Dist), University of Otago

    1996 - Cert Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, London

    1989 - Diploma in Pharmacy, Central Institute of Technology

    John Kristiansen has worked as a pharmacist since 1990. From 1992-2007 he held clinical positions in NZ and UK pediatric hospitals, including seven years as the Children’s Health Pharmacist Team Leader at Starship/Auckland City Hospital. Mr Kristiansen has worked clinically in a range of pediatric sub-specialties: hematology and oncology, solid organ transplantation, intensive care, respiratory disease, and total parenteral nutrition. Since 2007 he has been working as a Quality Use of Medicines Pharmacist/Project Manager for initiatives focused on the primary health care sector. He writes and edits pharmaceutical educational materials for health professionals and evaluates interventions that promote the safe and effective use of medicines. He joined the Edanz Group in 2010 and is a specialist editor in the fields of pharmacy practice, drugs and therapeutics, and allied health fields.